Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Trips to fit your plans, your purse, your pleasure!


  1. I think that one interesting argument you could build on for this ad is that it attempts to create an illusion of inclusiveness. It's trying to say "this is what people of all walks of life look like, and they can all enjoy our services." However, first of all, as you've pointed out, there are no POC of any kind to be seen. Also, everyone is wearing fairly nice clothes, so it's not for anyone who can't afford that either. Also, everyone matches western beauty standards, so I suppose it's either aimed at attractive people, or (maybe more likely) is trying to sell you this fantasy of "perfect" beauty. Lastly, everyone seems super happy, which, again, could be saying "only for happy people" or they're trying to sell you the idea that they can make you happy if you pay them.

  2. You can disagree about the representation and status of these women portrayed by the worldview of housewife's, and sex symbols created by magazines and other media aimed at forming this ideal life. American society was designed to make women completely and overwhelmingly happy, but that's not always the case. I would challenge women's idealistic views and the manner in which they are presented in this AD.

  3. I think this ad is trying to portray a very fun, happy and exciting vibe to a bus system that would otherwise, in reality, most likely be more of a dreary and uncomfortable experience. The ad seems to try and included "everybody" while also excluding probably a lot of it's clientele (anyone that's not white and lower income people who might not be in fancy costumes and clothes). As the ad still had a women in a bikini and heels up front and focalized in the image I would say that the ad is trying to get the attention of men. They do try and incorporate women into some of the photos, but they are always accompanied by a man.
