Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Texas Ghost and Spirit Intervention Analysis

emotional appeal:

"We perceive ourselves as paranormal healers. Our main interest is finding the source of the problem and determining the best course of action to help you regain control of what is rightfully yours, rather than proving or disproving ghosts."

-the website is some what bringing light to the issue and say they don't care about all the bull crap, their main goal is to help you get your normal life back.

- "...rather than proving or disproving ghosts." Do they even believe in their own study?

Sacrifice - Is a result worth some loss?

"We try to make our intervention as comfortable as possible for our client. We know that an overnight investigation can be inconvenient, so we do not require one, except in rare, extreme cases." 

The Atlantic Paranormal Society

Premise- This website uses the Fact/Truths as well as The Supposed premise some of their things are concrete data the others are probable or the likely.

Their Value is Abstract.

Loci: This Website uses Quantity they have tons of photos and links to their other sites as well as  a donate button. 

They use the emotional appeal saying we are not alone we are together as a society.

Presence- Enthymeme This website makes a lot of claims but with not that many evidence. 

However it is well credible because it is  known throughout the world.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

San Diego Paranormal Research Society Perelman

Premises                 Presumptions     The Likely

“As with any evidence, we are NOT out to prove the existence of ghosts; we are only featuring select pieces where no logical or natural explanation could be found.”

Although these videos cannot be unequivocally be proven to show paranormal activity it is highly likely that they do because there is no other explanation

Premises                 Loci         Quality
“we feel that quality over quantity is best when showcasing any possible paranormal evidence on a website.”

The site comes and says that they believe in quality over quantity so they have only a few videos that they feel are good enough to put on their website.

Definition               Descriptive
“Electronic Voice Phenomenon (commonly referred to as “EVP”) is spirit voices captured on a digital or analog recording device that were not heard with the naked ear at the time of their recording”

The site is defining what an Electronic Voice Phenomenon is and what it does.

Establishing the Structure of Reality             Illustration            Clarity
The website includes video, audio, and photograph “proof” that there is such a thing as paranormal activity.