Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Monday, February 26, 2018

Eclipse Paranormal Fallacies

Link to Website:

Fallacies from Website

Example from the Website
Why it is this Fallacy
The way you emphasize a word makes the conclusion seem more true.

“At the same time of the EVP was the phrase GET OUT!”
(From Evidence)
The emphasis of “get out” in the example emphasizes the ghost yelling at them and makes it seem more scary. With real words the ghost says it makes their conclusion that the ghost app works in collecting real data from ghosts makes it more believable. It makes it stand out so it catches out attention and we realize oh a ghost said that! That's cool!
Straw Man
A person’s actual beliefs are misrepresented as something easier to attack and then attacked.

“Here at E.P.R.I., we take pride in our endeavors...we are NOT thrill seekers.”
(From the About Us)
I am a little iffy on this fallacy being applied to my website. However, I think they are trying to prove themselves as credible people by attacking other ghost hunters as “thrill seekers” and not serious about their work. It makes them seem more credible by attacking other ghost hunting groups.
Anecdotal Fallacy
A Hasty Generalization that relies on the availability heuristic (we generalize from vivid stories more readily).

“Her interests in the paranormal began when she was 5 years old after she had an experience with her grandfather who had passed one week before.”
(From Tammy’s Bio)

This is the anecdotal fallacy because she is using this one encounter with her grandfather right after he died to prove that ghosts exist. It is just one piece of evidence and makes us feel sentimental towards her because it is her grandfather.
Cum Hoc
Two things that happened at the same time must have a causal relationship.

“When we returned to the car to head back to our cabin, we looked at the ghost box library where it keeps a log of everything. At the same time of the EVP was the phrase GET OUT! At first we laughed and said, "Ok! We're already out." But when we later reviewed this audio and heard this response, we were simply amazed.”
(From Evidence)
For this fallacy it is assuming that since the EVP picked up something that the phrase “get out” is because of that and they are related. So they have a relationship in the fact that they happened at the same time.
Post Hoc
A thing that happens before another thing caused that.

“We had just entered the parlor and a fellow team member was asking the other guys if we should shut the door. One of the other guys shook his head quietly...However, we did get another unexpected response to her question. Listen for the light whisper right at the end of the clip.”
(From Evidence)
The ghost hunters assume in this instance that the whisper they got on tape was caused by the guy not wanting to shut the door to the parlor. They explicitly state, “we did get another response to her question.” So they assume that the response is directed at them. So, not wanting to shut the door caused the paranormal whisper.

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