Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Friday, February 9, 2018

Shapiro DESTROYS Abortion

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Abortion Argument (link)
     This article is Ben Shapiro and one of his many takes on abortion. He is very against it, and personally, I couldn’t agree more, but that’s beside the point. Shapiro gets real, and gets graphic. He talks about playing a game and when should it be okay to kill a baby, he gives a bit of science background as well. Shapiro refers to the “leftists” multiple times, and even brings Hillary Clinton into this mess.

Two Wrongs Make a Right
Shapiro pointed out that murdering the unborn baby before their brain waves are developed, as a pro-choicer offered, would be akin to pulling the plug on a person in a coma knowing the person would develop brain function in the matter of weeks. "Would you do that?" he asked.
     They always say “two wrongs, don’t make a right,” and I don’t think this could’ve been any clearer.  The two wrongs make a right fallacy is used here. Shapiro is saying that since, it’s okay to murder an unborn child that will soon develop a functioning brain, why don’t we start pulling the plug on those in comas with brains that are currently not functioning, but are sure to function within no time? These two items do not cancel out, because in both cases they are wrong.

Emotional Appeal
“Shapiro threw down the gauntlet: ‘Okay, we’re going to play a game called, ‘When should you be able to kill this baby?’ because I’ve been told, by people like Hillary Clinton, that you’re able to kill this baby all the way up to the very end, right? 32-30 weeks, right? And that’s when the baby is fully-formed; it can be born alive.’”
     Shapiro uses the emotional appeal in the aspect of pulling on heart strings. He uses more of an emotional approach, rather than a reasoning approach. He makes you think about and tries to get your emotions flowing as much as possible in order to get his point across in that way. He’s making you think about what it would be like for these children’s abortion and asking you and your morals when it’s okay.

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