Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Monday, April 27, 2020

Theory 1: Social Movement, Foust - Even though the social movement of Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo have been going on long before social media has been around, the organization has moved along with time and have been able to make use of social media and gain a following through various social media platforms. The mothers have a following of 80.7k on twitter, 116,596 followers on their facebook page and 148k on instagram. The mothers were able to make use of original media use through journalist and reporters, and have continued this through the changes and innovations of technology.

Theory 2: Anti-movement, Griffin - The mothers are an anti-movement with the intent to, "arouse the public opinion to the destruction or rejection of an existing institution", and in the case of las madres, it was the Argentina Coup, or dictatorship. The mothers were able to inform the public of the injustices that occurred and made it publicly known that they were hurt and demanded answers. Although, the overall intent of the movement is to get their children back, it was also showing the awful leadership that Argentina was under during that time.

Theory 3:#MeToo, Leung & Williams - The original intent of the #MeToo movement was to be able to help woman of color who have experienced sexual assault, and focusing on those that come from underprivileged communities. The article discusses "intersectionality" that is, "used to describe any person who has experienced discrimination based on more than one association with a group that has been previously oppressed by society". In the case of the mothers, the two groups is that they are females and the other that is an underlying identification is their political identification (or more so their children's). Around the world woman have faced oppression and it was no different in Argentina. However, women had gained more respect and rights in Argentina up to this point in history thanks to the Peron period and the leader, Evita Peron. The other group that was their political stance. The "children" were taken due to their political beliefs that went against the military junta, and their mothers that became Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo also faced some aggression from the government because of these views.

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