Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Monday, January 27, 2020

Hollywood Holiday Ad Analysis

What is it?
How’s it used?
low contrast
In the time it was made, it just may have meant that they didn’t have the budget for more colors/contrast. Now, it, combined with art style, gives it a dated look
Little difference between darks and lights. Pleasant. Little shadow.
From behind the man in the foreground, the viewer is looking at women who are distributed through the background
An illusion of depth and space.
“Hollywood Holiday”
Repetition of consonant sounds.

“hOllywood hOliday”
Repetition of vowel sounds.
The text says that this trip is “only 193!” while “plus tax” is put in tiny print next to that. Also, that was way more then than it is now, so is that “only” really accurate?
Magnifying the importance of something by using a disproportionate name.
The image feels that it goes on out of borders
The tops and sides seem empty.

There is a clear foreground/middleground/background
Is there a foreground, middleground and background, as in traditional Eurpoean art, or is it compressed?
Yes, we follow the man in the foreground’s gaze, gradually moving back.
Are figures or colors or spaces used to pull the eye across the image?
low angle
If you really examine the illustration, this isn’t done very dramatically, but following the path you’re meant to, it feels very definitely like you’re looking up
Are we looking up to them?
You can clearly identify what everything is supposed to be
To what extent does the image show “things” we can identify?
Nothing is highly realistic, but it’s not really cartoony either.
How realistic are the things?
stoke weight
The letters have alternating levels of thickness, which allows them to highlight one another. The words at the bottom are all small and bunched together though, which makes one pay less attention to them, and the little “plus tax” is kind of small and off to the side, making it easy to ignore.
How varied are the weights of the different strokes? (What are the thickness differences between various marks in a letter?)


  1. possible thesis statement could include: this being a poster to gain the attention of men because women are sexual objects. Women would not be interested much in this add because of how women centered it is and you could definitely say this is being looked at through the male gaze

  2. This ad is defiantly targeting men as the main image is of two "attractive" women smiling and scantily clad (at least for the time) talking to a man poolside. We see the man has his back to the camera helping the audience (which would be men) imagine themselves as this man in the photo. The thesis of this ad could be "if you come out to have a Hollywood vacation you will meet many beautiful women who want to talk to you and flirt with you!"
