Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Thursday, February 1, 2018

PlayDoh Outline


-        Talk about PlayDoh

-        At one point or another we’ve encountered one of these characters

Thesis: The ad is trying to sell more than one product

Medium Shot/ Eye Level

-        On level with characters

-        Characters are big names, need to be identifiable

-         Staring directly at the kid who is viewing the ad

-        Playdoh in the foreground


-        Very bright, pop out at you.

-        Even Darth Vader is bright

-        Darth Vader is a friend

-        Even container is bright

Open Space

-        Space to the left and right

-        Implying that you can be next to them

-        Strawberry Shortcake raises the arm next to her.


-        Playdoh ad is using credibility of characters to sell both Play-Doh and other brand name products


  1. I really liked your closing analysis about Play-Doh using the credibility of the characters to sell products. I thought that maybe your outline though was a little hard to understand and maybe a little bit repetitive. But overall I really liked your argument for the ad.

  2. Much like Mary, I found the argument to be quite good. It seems as though you have all your main points, although for me slightly difficult to understand. Mark where you want your connectives to be, and just be sure to keep it short and to the point. Good luck!

  3. I think your argument and the rhetorical devices you use to support it are good; however, I think you could improve your overall argument by making it more personalized to the ad. "The ad is trying to sell more than one product" seems pretty general for what an ad is trying to do.
