Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Monday, February 5, 2018

Oh Jelenaaaaaaa

Everyone knows that Jelena, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, have been back and forth for a while. They go public, they break up, and they date other people, then back to each other. Right now it’s very up in the air about what REALLY is going on. They’ve been spotted together, but nothing in bold print of them saying they’re back together, maybe because the family issues, maybe because they’re still figuring things out. There’s so many fallacies incorporated into their relationship.
LINK to article

1.      Hasty Generalization
The article talks about how Justin and Selena go from “smooching openly to no photographic evidence of their coupling in a month. And when the photos don’t pop up, the breakup rumors do.” It never says that they are officially together or breaking up, but everyone wants to draw the conclusion from this small sample of evidence, or this hasty generalization, that because there are no photos, they are no longer together.
2.      Post Hoc
This article is saying that Charlie Puth and Selena dated, but Justin broke them up, and now that’s why we have Jelena back. Therefore the fallacy of Post Hoc, a thing that happens before another thing that causes that, is taking place. This isn’t important information to why they are dating, but just something else to throw in there.
3.      Wishful thinking

With the idea that Justin and Selena aren’t being very open with their relationship right now may have to do with their families. It seems as if Selena’s mother isn’t into her dating him again, after all, she did go to the press with some shitty things to say about them. This being said, there is a lot of wishful thinking, or making something true because we want it to be, about Jelena being more open and out there with the press once the family feelings are dealt with. This hasn’t stopped them from attending church together or running from the press, just laying low when possible, I guess. 

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