Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Thursday, April 22, 2021

clothes are not consent

 The SlutWalk Moment in 2011 was about putting an end to rape culture, which includes victim blaming and slut shaming sexual assault victims. The movement was about bringing power to women and their physical appearance and how no matter what the women is wearing or how she looked rape is never right. 


Consensus- The poster repeats the "c" sound twice. first in clothes and then in consent. The poster is short and cosine and having that sound repeated brings to the argument that a women clothes in not her way of giving a man consent to sex. 

Anaphora- We see that the poster repeats My. This is important because this has the women holding the poster claiming it has hers. My Clothes and My consent. This repetition in words at the beginning of each sentence brings power. 


Euphemism- Consent means rape or sexual assault in the posters and during this movement. The creator of this poster did not use those terms but instead decided to use consent which almost sounds nicer and proper compared to the word rape. I am sure this language was used because the repetition sound of the "c" but it is still interesting language to cover up the words rape and sexual assault. 


Flat- We see her poster has flat and her message has no illusions to it. This allows us to read her simple but clear message very quick. Even though her message is short the audience still has a very clear understanding what her message is. 

Value- The poster has two contrasting colors which are white and black. The white poster with the all black lettering allows there to be a clear contrast of colors. 

Focalizers- How the words are spread out pulls the audience eyes across the page. Clothes and Consent are both one word but take up the whole width of the poster. Which allows you to focus on those words. In between those words we see "ARE NOT MY" written across the poster. The different font sizes pulls your eyes across the poster. 


Bold lettering-To bring importance to the words on the poster. 

Condensed spacing- The condense spacing is to bring urgency to this poster in my opinion. 

All Caps- The poster was in all caps. This brings a serious tone to the poster and brings importance to these words. Caps is known for yelling and this poster is supposed to sound like yelling in word form. 

Underlying- The word not is underlined. This to bring attention to this word and to make sure everyone knows Not is important. That is the keyword in this argument. If that word was taken out or changed the poster could have a different meaning. 

*Need to look at PO-T and fallacies*

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