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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Report # 24882 BigFoot analysis






Presence modifiers

space making it feel close

“something very big ran across the road about 150yrds in front of us” 

They Used yard to make us imagine how close it would be to us

The likely

Some measure of (intuitive) statistical judgment.

We got out and I climbed the small incline that it had come down to investigate and after 30 min or so found a barefoot track 18” long x 7½” wide and got video of it.

They are trying to convince you by saying that they say a big footprint and if it's not bigfoots that what else could it be so it makes you assume its bigfoot


Say it again. And again. And again.

At around 3:30am I heard a very low grumble with a huff followed by what sounded like a lot of breath being pushed out and very close to the fire, maybe 30ft. At first, I thought it was a bird or something, then, almost immediately another answered the first from across the clearing we were camped in directly behind me. I put my flashlight on where I heard the sound coming from and it would stop. 10 min later it would start up again. I don’t know why I didn’t get anyone up to listen with me but I didn’t. This went on for about an hour until the sun started to brighten the sky and you could see a lot better

The Writer is constantly repeating himself to make sure you get an accurate understanding of how long it took for him to be able to experience it for himself and tell you about it and so you know that he isn't making this up and it really took all night

Unlimited development

increased developments along a track continually increase value.

The first night was interesting as we continued to hear distinct wood knocking; they started at around 11:00pm. Most were far off and very fast, 4 to 7 quick, sharp cracks directly east of us that would echo across the valley only to be answered from another direction farther south

He Uses terms like the first night, and second night to give you a timeline of gradually increasing events that eventually lead up to him seeing bigfoot


Event/s reveal/s a rule or reality

The rule is that if everything that was said is real then bigfoot nothing else could make those noises or leave the prints that he has pictures of so it has to be real


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Blair,
    this is for the thesis comment.
    So the table is super hard to read haha but I see that you identified a lot of arguments. Do you think this was an actual sighting? I think because they got video proof of the footprints with the measurement you would have more of a sound argument for this sighting being real.

  3. A thesis that I would suggest would be:

    The author of this Bigfoot sighting report utilizes various rhetorical elements such as the premise modifier of space, repetition, and unlimited development in the hopes of fully engaging his audience's imaginations and getting his audience to truly understand that his experience of seeing Bigfoot was genuine and also contained sufficient evidence.

  4. Thesis Comment:
    You found some great stuff so far! Your analysis on each found element really elaborates on how the writer is trying to persuade readers that they saw bigfoot by using each element. You can tell that the writer of your piece is very detail oriented. You noted how the author writes with the intention of helping readers visualize his situation as well as other details. He also uses repletion to emphasize his experience in a way (in which I perceived it as) to validate his experience as a genuine bigfoot encounter. I would take this into account when making your thesis statement since it seems to be key part of your writer's argument.
