Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Pepsi Ad

Very fancy looking font is used in the title of the ad.

Makes the viewer feel as if the ad is only for the elite and fancy people

The word “so” is used twice in the title. Emphasizing the smart and debonair aspect of the ad.

Low Contrast
Color scheme is very nice looking. All the same shade of colors.

Figures of dogs in the bottom of the ad, the Washington Monument is in the background, and there is a scheme of a few different colors.

Low Angle
I feel as though we may be looking up at them because there is minimal detail on the bottom and then it gradually gets more detailed as we look up because there is where the actual focus of the ad is located.


  1. Good job identifying the monument; I didn't catch that. Could have elaborated more on how he's holding his girl and the way they're interacting together but overall got the main points. Good ad

  2. The Washington Monument could also be either a patriotic plug, or depending on the era this was released an attmept to use Freudian psychology to link Pepsi with phallic imagery. The latter would also fit with their contour bottle design as well.

    Overall, the picture does a lot to create the illusion of height. Vertical stripes, pleated pants, the midline on both jackets, the monument, all creating verticle motion upwards through the ad. "Look up, it's Pepsi!" "Pepsi will cure your looking down!"
