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Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jeb Bush -Life- Perelman Analysis

“Forty-three years ago on January 22, the Supreme Court took the issue of abortion out of the people’s hands in order to impose its own view. It swept away the laws of all fifty states, inventing a right to abortion that could not be found in the Constitution.”
The sweeping away of laws concerning abortion was the result of the Supreme Court decision that Jeb is making reference to.  The consequence of this is that abortion rights were then invented even though it is not in the constitution.

Even many pro-choice legal scholars have criticized that decision, admitting that the Constitution clearly allows states to enact protections for the unborn. And so Friday’s March for Life is also a march for democracy: for the right to use democratic means to advance justice.
The model of marching for life is a model of democracy. They are showing their belief in justice and so we should follow their pursuit for justice too.

Nearly all European countries protect children at this late stage of development, and it is time we joined them.
By saying “it is time we join them” Jeb is saying we need to follow their example meaning they are a model for us.
I applaud the marchers, and even more I applaud their noble cause.
We should be like them, they deserve recognition for their efforts, these efforts are worthy of praise, they are a prestigious group of people.
I applaud the marchers, and even more I applaud their noble cause.
The acts and ideals of the marchers stand for are those Jeb seems to be saying he stands for too.

I strongly believe that we should build a culture that respects the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
These ideals are what Jeb believes to be important and a culture that reflects this is one he wants to have come about as president.
Values, Concrete
As president, I would move, through patient persuasion, toward protecting more and more unborn children from abortion. Many of my fellow citizens disagree with that goal, of course, but I think most Americans can agree that we should at least protect unborn children at 20 weeks of development, when they may be able to feel pain.
Mainly the last assertion that most Americans can agree… Jeb is asserting that Americans have values that would look to protect children, including unborn children. We as Americans don’t want to cause children pain, so why should we do that by aborting post 20 weeks?
Specific Choices
Americans can agree that we should at least protect unborn children at 20 weeks of development, when they may be able to feel pain.
He is asserting that we should make the choice to not cause pain versus the alternative of causing pain.
Enthusiastic Present
In an age when parents and grandparents post sonogram pictures of their unborn children to their Facebook pages, and modern medicine allows doctors to save premature babies born earlier than we ever thought imaginable, most people understand that these are young lives worthy of our protection.
Jeb is talking about how much better off we are now with the advances in medicine than we were back in the day. He is comparing the premature babies that would usually not have a chance to live to babies that could be born at the proper time but dot get the chance because are aborted.
I believe, as well, that taxpayers should not be the largest source of funding for the organization that performs the more abortions than any other entity in our country.
It is fine and dandy to want to not force the abortion funding on the entire population but these organizations how else would they be reasonably funded?

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a fantastic job on analyzing the Jeb Bush's statements about Abortion. When looking over your chart, I saw that you identified eight different argument devices in this one section. For your speech, you could narrow down your focus to just two or three of these devices. Since Abortion is such a personal topic, you can focus on either the ethical or emotional arguments and have a great speech.
