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Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Jason Rosenbaum and Jeb Bush

Quantifier Shift

“In all her record-setting travels, Hillary Clinton stopped by Iraq exactly once.”
As Secretary of State, Clinton traveled a great deal but she only traveled to Iraq once meaning she clearly doesn’t care about the country of Iraq, the people there or our military stationed there. The website emphasizes this with “record-setting.”
Wishful Thinking
“Our ultimate goal in Syria is to defeat ISIS and to achieve long-term political stability in that country.”
That’s the plan, however unlikely it is to happen it is still a thing.

“We must over time establish multiple safe zones, and along with our partners, a no-fly zone in Syria.
The likelihood of being able to do this is pretty slim at the current moment in time, but this would be ideal for regaining order in the country.
Appeal to Consequences
“Defeating ISIS requires defeating Assad, whose war against his own people - backed by Iran - has let nearly 300000 people dead and spurred a massive refugee crisis.”
Look at all the terrible things that have happened because of this! We must put a stop to it or else it could get much worse.
Appeal to Fear
“We cannot repeat President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s mistake in Libya, and must ensure Assad’s regime is not replaced by something as bad or worse.”
The worst is yet to come… the evil must be stopped and only Jeb can! He won’t make the same mistake Obama and Hillary made. He’s going to defeat the bad guys and make sure nothing worse spawns from their defeat.

“Defeating ISIS requires defeating Assad, whose war against his own people - backed by Iran - has let nearly 300000 people dead and spurred a massive refugee crisis.”
Jeb is appealing to the fear of the refugee crisis. NIMBY (not in my back yard) is the mindset of many countries in the European Union as well as some people in the U.S. They do not want more and more refugees crossing their borders and taking their jobs, money and supplies.
Guilt by Association
“Defeating ISIS requires defeating Assad, whose war against his own people - backed by Iran - has let nearly 300000 people dead and spurred a massive refugee crisis.”
Iran is the bad guy they are being associated with. Jeb is straight up calling out Iran. Iran is the one supplying our enemies so they too should be viewed as an enemy. U.S. citizens are already weary of Iran due to their nuclear program and this is adding another layer to the “we don’t like Iran cake.”


1 comment:

  1. Overall it is a really great analysis. It seems as if Jeb is putting out a lot of information to attack the other side and to say that they are bad. This will be interesting as well when you put this with your Perelman arguments since they are both about such emotional topics.
