Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Monday, May 4, 2020

Queer Nation – San Francisco Movement

Queer Nation – San Francisco Movement

Attention getter

Just because we identify with something doesn't mean that we want to be associated with it like when people give that something a bad name. The term queer back then was used as a negative term, but queer nation's goals were to turn the word into a sign of strength and identity, but some people didn't like the way the group made more noise than progress and so some people who described themselves as queer didn't want to be grouped in with queer nation.

Long time, no see, my name is Rachel and I identify with many things and probably have different interpretations of those things in comparison to other, so we are going to take a look at queer nations – San Francisco social movement, using Vrooman’s charts and toolboxes.

Bad media exposure is still media attention, the press coverage of Queer Nation/San Francisco was conducted very dramatically, but still created a large, multi-issue social movement but Queer Nation struggled to find an understanding as to who they were and what they desired, and how to properly communicate those desires. They were characterized by the views and portrayals of the mainstream and gay media and eventually failed because they were not restricted to the concerns of the gay and lesbian community, they intended to be a multi-issue movement of social justice that would tackle not just the problems facing the queer nation but also many other concerns that dealt with systematic oppression, thereby making them viewed as being very extreme which ultimately  contributed to their downfall.


·                Will be using different components of the charts and toolboxes to better explain to further analyze this movement.



Schemes and Tropes

1.     Profanity
a.              Words of swearing are important instruments of social influence. Gender ideals are not only reflected but are perpetuated in the act of swearing.

Disrespectful use of religious language
Damn, Jesus H. Christ, God

body taboos
Use of rude words for body functions and/or sex.
Piss. Shit.

Suggests a strength of feeling but no unique meaning.
“That was bloody terrible.” “Fucking awesome.”

Queer nation questioned queer theory and politics, and argued the limits of sex and gender identity and the deconstruction of definitions of identity. The debates posed concerns not only about the nature of political ideologies based on sexuality but also about their usefulness.

This in turn challenges the theory of social motion to better explain the complexities of the creation and deployment of collective identity. This draws attention to a general identity politics dilemma: Fixed identity definitions are both the basis of injustice as well as the foundation of political power.


As such, these puns may become an interactive technique of co-ordinating various groups, pivoting around different emotional domains. It could conceive of a queerness version that attends to, represents and is influenced by its cultural-historical characteristic.

7) arrangement
Ordered by increasing importance.

 and "Out of the Closets and Into the Streets," and the widely imitated "We're Here! We're Queer! Get used to it!"'[10]

Asking a rhetorical question.

ther slogans used by Queer Nation include "Two, Four, Six, Eight! How Do You Know Your Kids Are Straight?"

It something within its own sense trying to make their audience think, it’s a question asked not for an answer but for an effect.


Gay marriage should be land rule, since gay couples should have the same rights as straight men.

That begs the issue. How does that mean by "same rights?" People had the right to marry women before gay marriage, and females had the right to marry people.

A man who marries a man is a particular type of the "marriage right," and must be argued as such. Yes, there are plenty of excellent reasons for gay marriage, but this isn't one.

We will react when violence is directed against us. We will react to idiots and to any type of hatred 

COMIC FRAME The comic frame, portrays people as fools, it does not reject them for their foolishness; it considers them simply mistaken and therefore harmless.

Comedy always ignores something significant, to outweigh the negative of their situation.

They use Humor quite frequently in their puns, wordplay, and protest.

 To conclude, "Identity talk" was missing in Queer Nation and their poor media coverage had a negative effect on their campaign with their other potentially progressive ideas. They really didn't have any rules or declarations, it was a spontaneous community that wanted to have fun, but never questioned what would come out of it.

Vrooman, Steve. “ Perelman’s Rhetoric of Argument.” TLU Faculty and Staff Web Pages, TLU.Sept. 2013,

Vrooman, Steve. Rhetorical Devices for Vrooman’s Rhetoric Class. Retrieved from

Vrooman, Steve. Some Informal Argumentative Fallacies. TLU, Feb. 2015,

Mary L. Gray (2009) “Queer Nation is Dead/Long Live Queer Nation”: The Politics and Poetics of Social Movement and Media Representation, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 26:3, 212-236, DOI: 10.1080/15295030903015062

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