Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Cereal Ad #10 Outline - Will Hicks

 Will Hicks Outline


Attention Getter: You know, I like chicken 

Thesis: This ad ultimately fails to really advertise Kellogg Corn Flakes.


  • Points: Teens buying food. Focal points are confusing as well as the focus due to color contrast. The Fridge


Point One: Target audience (teen)

  • Bread down the ad. What's displayed?
  • Cereal bowl
  • Clock
  • Girl

Usually, the figure is doing something notable and worthwhile. What's so great about a bowl (of cereal) at night?

Point Two: Focalizers/Visuals

Girl -> cereal -> chicken? -> MILK?? -> EGGS???

Colors and contrast.

  • usually red/white background 
  • trying to appear as if night, ruins the color theme of Corn Flakes


Point Three: The fridge

  • Distracting.
  • Its goal is clear upon thinking but requires too much work to come to fruition.
  • Subliminal messaging


The ad ultimately fails in its goal.

Wrong audience

too many items in the frame

diverting too much from its traditional sense of ads.


Vrooman’s book, The Zombie Guide to Public Speaking

Vrooman’s Schemes & Tropes chart


  1. This is looking clean and concise which will make for a decently timed presentation. Be sure to cite all the sources!

  2. This is such a clean looking outline. Just don't forget your citations. Very excited to hear your argument.

  3. Your outline is very concise and to the point. I like how it is easy to follow. Don't forget to source within the speech.

  4. There isn't much I could say, these people have already said it all pretty much. Looks clean as hell, you keeps your points short and simple on the outline so I know you're not fixing to read off the outline word for word while youre up there. Your thesis is good, I've seen the ad at hand and I can say I can agree. Just cite i suppose
