Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Ad Speaking Outline - Olivia Prinz



-          Attention Getter: I know my boyfriend gets on my nerves in the morning. I just woke up and he wants to talk, talk, talk. Especially if I haven’t had my coffee or my breakfast. It just isn’t a good combination. I know a situation like this has happened once or twice to you, yeah?




-          This is what is going on within my ad, presumably. Everybody needs some Kellogg’s to make their day better or start on a better note. I am going to be breaking down the elements of this ad so that we can get a clearer image of what it is trying to tell us.


-          My name, English major, and use of Vrooman’s charts.



-          Eating Kellogg’s Sugar Flakes will sweeten up your hard morning. Eating them in the morning will allow you to feel extra sweet all day.



-          Having a blank background helps us focus on the images.

-          The tiger being the center focal point helps us understand that it is Kellogg’s and that is who the attention is being drawn to.

-          The couple arguing in the right corner and the tiger trying to give them the cereal so that they can be happy.

-          (Based on the point above, we can see that the couple is happy in the bottom right corner after eating them)

-          Who Kellogg’s is trying to appeal to.

-          Repetition of words, to show importance.

-          Typography



-          Kellogg’s sugar flakes will help you be happier.

-          Go back to the main points.

-          Importance of the ad, how Kellogg’s did a good job with this ad and how it appealed to the correct audience. 


  1. This outline looks great! It seems to be concise and to the point, which is good. Don't forget your references!

  2. Hey Liv! This outline seems pretty well thought out, and I like your main points. It is straight forward, the only thing I would like to see is whether or not YOU think the ad is effective. As Brylie mentioned, don't forget your sources!
