Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Marco Rubio Fallacies

Marco Rubio

Restoring and Modernizing American Strength


  1. I think these are good finds fallacy wise. I think looking at differences between military spending goals of Rubio and other candidates is a good place to start.

  2. You did an excellent job analyzing. I think you have a great foundation for your argument with being in the military it obviously makes you a little biased toward what you are arguing for. I would try to take in the opposing side and see what counter arguments that you may be able to help strengthen your own defense. By doing this I think that you will have more to present about and also contribute to help your overall thesis. Great job!
