Links to rhetorical tools:

Here are links to the rhetorical tools used in this class:

Schemes & Tropes -- Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca -- Fallacies -- Burke -- Rhetorical Toolbox -- Conspiracy Rhetorics

Thursday, February 11, 2016

“I will actively support school choice programs, such as school vouchers and charter schools, so every student has the opportunity to fully realize his or her God-given potential”
If you vote for Ben, your kids will have opportunity so show their skills, not just any skills though, there God- given skills! He had to putt God into this quote to seem more down to Earth and attract certain people.
“In education, as in so many endeavors, the best decisions are the ones made by those closest to the issue. I will work to directly support students, cut red tape and reduce the size and authority of the Washington educational bureaucracy.”
He doesn’t give exact issues that he’s going to fix. You’re just supposed to believe that he will fix these issues, but you have to vote for him. He will also help your kids. Don’t forget the kids.
He repeats students, over and over again. Another word he adds is “educators.” He wants the citizens to make sure that they know he’s for the students and for the education of the U.S, but he repeats it so much it almost sounds robotic.
“It is long past the time to give teachers the respect and the resources they deserve. Instead of an outdated system that rewards teacher tenure over performance, I will advocate for flexible block grants to the states to advance and reward teacher quality, and to develop teacher evaluation systems that focus on effectiveness in advancing student achievement.”
He adds the teachers in this because they are part of a bigger whole of education. He wants to make sure that we know he gives credit to all the teachers and wants to reward them with what they deserve. He wants to help teachers achieve so the kids will.
“The Department of Education needs to get out of the lending business. We need a simpler, more streamlined and transparent financial aid process that gives students and their families the kind of simple, reliable information they need to make good decisions.”
A is okay by itself but with propaganda will help this issue succeed.  Simpler is better.

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